Links we recommend
Empowered Multiplicity
Note: Just because a page is linked here does not necessarily mean we agree with and/or endorse all the opinions on it. We are listing these pages because we have found all of them to be helpful to us at some point, and because all of them support empowered multiplicity.
Astraea's Web
This is THE place to go on the Web for information about empowered multiplicity, as well as a host of other socially relevant issues. This is the page that started it all. A huge resource, and we still haven't finished looking through everything on it.
Chrysantheme is now defunct. We're working with a few other systems to put together an e-zine by and for empowered multiples.
Communal Space Jinkies& talk about their internal experiences. Currently undergoing massive renovations, but the essays are still worth reading.(Address changed; update your bookmarks.)
Four And Twenty
Home to the Layman's Guide to Multiplicity, as well as writings by Blackbirds& on their operating system and group organization.
La Senza Fine Just getting started, with an elegant design and promising essays. (Address changed; update your bookmarks.)
Pavilion Awright! A task force/publicity group dedicated to improving public awareness and perception of functional plurals. Still under development; feel free to sign up.
Soul Whispers A site focused on soulbonding, from the point of view of a median system including soulbonds.
Stardance: Shaytar's Space
A beautifully designed page with essays, rants, and art and tales of other worlds.
The Two Courts Another one of the oldest sites on empowered multiplicity, the Courts have lots of writings, theories and rants (good ones, too).
Wonderland Hasn't been updated in a while, but it's dedicated to hosting creative work (fanfiction, fanart, etc.) by plurals. (No, this isn't a site for 'survivor art.' There are a LOT of plural anime/manga fans. You might be surprised.)(Closed for remodeling.)
The Wonderful World of the MidContinuum The page which originated the 'midcontinuum' concept. Mostly written from a survivorship perspective, but there are some useful links and thoughts on recovery.
Autistics.org A site by and for people on the autistic spectrum, who, like multiples, have suffered for many years from having outsiders attempt to dictate their reality to them.
Other Stuff/Fun
Mr. T Versus Everything Just go there. Really. You won't regret it.
Homestar Runner It's twice as good as the next best thing! (Note: requires Flash.)
Chaotic N-Space Network Where our fractal art comes from. You can also download software to make your own fractals.